Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Diet Solution Program Review

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in ...Image via WikipediaBefore I heard about the Diet Solution Program, I spent many years in pursuit of the best diet pill, the best diet to lose weight, the right diet for weight loss, diet plans for women, fast weight loss tips, fat burning foods that I can eat, free diet plans (during times when I was broke as a joke), weight loss exercises that would help me in losing weight fast, etc. Why would I want to lose weight? Because after giving birth to 2 babies in 5 years, I wanted to get rid of the excess body fat as soon as possible. I'm sure many of you can relate.

I tried things like the low carb diet (too difficult for someone like me who loves pasta and rice), the raw food diet, the high protein diet, the green tea diet (yuck!), fat burning diet, cabbage soup diet (super yuck!), the 3 day diet, and the 1500 calorie diet. It seemed like I was trying all kinds of diets for quick weight loss and nothing seemed to work for me. I couldn't find the easiest way to lose weight. Sound familiar to you

The Diet Solution

After much internet searching AND soul searching, I felt completely lost. A friend of mine suggested I check out the Diet Solution by this woman named Isabel De Los Rios. I had never heard of her or her special diet but I was intrigued. So I dug deeper.

Right away, I liked it because it said to stop dieting, start eating and start living! Nobody really likes to be on a diet. If they say they do, they're lying to you!

What Exactly is The Diet Solution Program?

Well this is what I learned:
  • Did you know that calorie counting doesn't work for long-term weight loss?
  • Restricting calories is the worst thing you can do to lose weight
  • There are actually so-called health foods that store tons of fat in your body!
  • You need to eat lots of food to help yourself shed the unwanted pounds

What Else Does The Diet Solution Offer?

The Diet Solution Program is a scam. I don't think so. The website isn't trying to give you a hard sell on the product. In fact, it's quite an informative website. I have many reasons for saying this. The site is stocked full of articles rich with topics on fat loss, motivation, fat burning foods, workouts, lifestyle, health concerns and supplements. There are many healthy and oh-so-delicious recipes for you to try out, such as the pumpkin pie pudding. Yum!

The creator, Isabel De Los Rios, is not trying to hide behind her product. She has many videos of her talking about healthy living, trying out different recipes and suggesting workouts.

There's even a free 7 day e-course that you can sign up for which is a starter kit to permanent weight loss. You should also check out the actual success stories and Isabel's blog.

I was quite impressed with the Diet Solution Program, especially when I started to lose that unwanted fat. I had been trying to lose 20 lbs for years and I'm literally half way through to reaching my goal.

the diet solution program review

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